Pronouns : They/Them

Thandiwe Gula-Ndebele is a storyteller using photography and film to document the narratives and ongoing history of their community. Thandiwe’s work inquires into concepts of freedom within the African diaspora. Drawing on self representation and reimagination of self, they prioritise the experiences and narratives of women and queer youth, with an acute focus on remembrance, well being and empowerment. Thandiwe uses visual language to interrogate and understand memory, identity and freedom while working towards more compassionate and embodied methods of creative practice. 

In 2019, Thandiwe collaborated with the Zimbabwe International Film Festival Trust to produce an online video archive of indigenous culture and heritage narratives for and by Zimbabweans.  In collaboration with a collective of artists in Zimbabwe, Thandiwe is part of ‘Mind Trip’, a community art movement that organises exhibitions, screenings and spaces for creating and sharing art while raising funds for provision and access to sexual reproductive healthcare for young women. Thandiwe showed a collection of self portrait mixed-media collages and photography at the Mind Trip Exhibition in 2019. They are also part of the Creative Avenue collective in Zimbabwe, using this platform to share artwork, insights on mental health, creative process and skills. Thandiwe also works as an advocate for young key populations, facilitating mental wellness and sexual health and reproductive rights policy advocacy workshops and outreach through  organisations including GALZ and AmSHEr.