Simon(e) van Saarloos (1990, Summit, New Jersey) is a writer and philosopher from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She published several books in Dutch including Ik deug / deug nieta collection of columns originally published in the Dutch national newspaper NRCDe vrouw die, a novel on a molecular biologist running the NYC marathon in a burqa; and Enz. Het Wildersproces, a feminist and queer report of the trial against the Dutch right-wing politician Geert Wilders. In his 2015 book Het monogame drama, Van Saarloos critiques monogamous living and false notions of safety, proposing a non-monogamous love life and thus a different take on ownership and property. The book was recently translated in English and published by Publication Studio, titled Playing Monogamy. Their most recent book book, titled Herdenken herdacht, is a non-fiction work about queer forgetfulness, whiteness and embodied commemoration. Van Saarloos curates collaborations between artists, activists and scholars and and regularly appears on stage as a lecturer, interviewer and performer.