A design strategist for 20 years, Gill Wildman’s experience lies in the area of bringing design methods and approaches into business and public sector. This can take many forms. She helps companies to innovate within their current and future products and services and works on all business levels including team, process, product and strategic levels.

Her specialties lies in creating the conditions for and cultures of innovation using design methods and approaches, visualising future stories, processes, concepts and ideas, bringing new ideas to life.

As well as Plot and Upstarter work, she is currently teaching at Hyper Island Manchester in the MA Digital Experience Design (https://www.hyperisland.com/programs-and-courses/ma-digital-experience-design), and pilotting a new online class on design strategy as part of their new Master of Design Futures (https://www.rmit.edu.au/study-with-us/levels-of-study/postgraduate-study/masters-by-coursework/mc245/#pageId=overview).