Visual Artist and Dancer born in Niterói (1987), currently based in Lisbon. Graduated in Media Studies (UFF, 2011) and in Visual Arts (UERJ, 2011; EAV Parque Lage, 2011), holds a Master Degree in Visual Arts (PPGAV-UFRJ, 2015). Studied Contemporary Dance and Body Research at Escola e Faculdade Angel Vianna (2016) in Rio de Janeiro and at c.e.m – centro em movimento in Lisbon (2018), having worked as Substitute Professor in the Dance Department of UFRJ (2016/2018). Works in multidisciplinary fields as performer, dance creator, videomaker and independent art curator, since 2008. Main creator and director of Zona Limitrofe Platform in partnership with Marcos Aganju, since 2015. Produced editorial content for the websites Ctrl Alt Dança, Virus Planetário,, Temas de Danca, Wikidanca and Diaspora and LabCritica. Was resident artist  in Centro Coreográfico do Rio de Janeiro (2015-2017) and researcher team at c.e.m – centro em movimento (2017-2020) and Atelier de Performance(2014-2015). Performed and exhibitions at several places, such as Centro Cultural Paschoal Carlos Magno(BR), Museu de Arte Moderna(BR) Gaivotas 6 (PT), ArtHouse (ND), ADAO (PT), Hootananny Brixton (EN), Tigre de Papel (PT),Ma Lingua(PT), RA(PT), Bar Irreal(PT), Casa do Brasil(PT),Festival Fiar(PT), Festival Pedras 19(PT) Ork Kota Plataform SzólóDuó 2018 Festival(Hu). Loves to create exploratory, lively and funny images, constantly related to life movements. Develops intense physical research based on yoga, kung fu and dance practices.