How can dance and choreography allow for empathy in the workforce while creating alternative ways of communication?


Merve Purde has been designing workshops involving dance and body movement for start-ups and companies for the past 2 years. Following interviews and feedbacks from her previous clients, she realized that moving together as a team can allow for new modes of communication. Indeed, independently from each corporate title, empathy and solidarity appear as a result of her intervention and dance workshop.

For her research, Merve has been investigating a methodology to further foster body awareness in companies and to allow for new power dynamics. Digital sessions have been held periodically on a weekly basis for 2 months as a form of ritual. Some of these concepts have been tested as a part of the process:
— Arriving to the space and the body
— Sensory awakening
— Daily movement imageries
— Reptilian moves: shakes, swings, slams — Flowing forms: circles, curves, spirals — Free movement improvisation
— Breath, touch, and meditation