How to create a sound experience for people who desire to change their perspective of life and death? 

The Podcast of Death is a way to deal with grief and also to inspire people who lost loved ones in traumatic situations. Sabine articulates the presence of their body with disappearance through sharing a podcast recorded from the process of performing. The idea is to create an informal space of care with the perspective of psicosocial attention, a logic of thinking and working with mental health. We develop our psique living together and one of my objectives is creating substitute territories of clinic.

Substitute territories are spaces of freedom, community agency, self representation, autonomy, dialogue and respect. Sabine works to dismantle asylum institutions, it’s a process of imagination and creation of health and presence possibilities. Traumatic experiences and crisis of the human behavior are their fuel to still question our contemporary ways of presence.

Collaborative work developed through articulation with: Prince Claus Fund, artist grant for travel. Everyone who lived the process of performance ‘7 WAYS: Earth; Fire; Air; Water; Body; Ether; Memories; ’ Partners who recorded depoiments and signed voice consent for The Podcast of Death online; Chantal Van Erven Dorens, supporting the work. In three months, Occupational Therapist Sabine constructed interdisciplinary connections making possible thinking, dialogues, performances, institutional critics, substantive territories of care and a lot of fun! Working from 1st January to 31st March, between Brazil, Netherlands and Egypt.